Dr. Cammile Hammond

CEO | Cade Foundation

We provide educational resources, grants to help families with the costs of adoption and fertility treatment.

“Helping you have a family is our ultimate goal. ”

Dr. Hammond

My Bio:

Dr Camille Hammond is the CEO of the Tinina Q. Cade Foundation (www.cadefoundation.org). She is an expert on infertility education, advocacy and support. She’s written and “co authored” articles about infertility that have been published in “peer reviewed” scientific journals, newspapers and magazines. She has also served as keynote speaker and presented at scientific conferences and other programs. Through her work at the Tinina Q. Cade Foundation- she has hosted hundreds of conferences about different ways to become a parent and OVERCOME infertility and become a parent after a diagnosis of infertility. She is also a mom of triplets who were conceived with fertility support and delivered by her mother Dr Tinina Cade, who served as her gestational carrier.

Dr. Hammonds hosts “Coffee with Cade”, a weekly Facebok Live with special guests.

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